CQRLOG is an advanced logbook program for Linux and also runs great on the Raspberry PI. A great way to keep your log electronically, incl. up- download of QSO’s with LOTW and EQSL. If set up correctly, it also takes the QSO’s directly from other programs such as WSJTX.
For this to work, the programs CQRLOG, TQSL and WSJT-X must be installed. It is important that you use the latest version of all programs. For CQRLOG this is 2.4.0, TQSL 2.5.7, WSJT-X 2.2.2 at the time of writing this article. The programs can be installed separately or you can use the Build a PIScript from Jason, KM4ACK for the Raspberry PI.
How this works I have described in a separate article. See:
Setup TQSL
After installing TQSL we either apply for a new certificate or use an existing one. It is important that we create a location, we need this in the settings of CQRLOG.
Setup CQRLOG for LOTW and EQSL
We start CQRLOG and click in the menu under File on Preferences. The basic settings are very simple and I recommend first to work through all settings from top to bottom in the sidebar on the left and to make adjustments where necessary. Interesting for us is the setting under LoTW/eQSL support. Here we enter our access data.
In order for the upload and download to work properly, two more important settings for LOTW and EQSL need to be made. We go back to the menu and click on Show QSO list under File. There we go in the menu under QSL, LoTW, Export and click on Upload QSOs to LoTW web page.
At this point it is important to connect TQSL correctly. In the line tqsl command line arguments we have to enter the path to the TQSL installation AND, very important, our location! As we have defined it before in TQSL.
If there are problems with the login to LOTW and EQSL or the installation please read the corresponding section of my article Setup Raspberry Pi for Ham-Radio. There I have listed possible errors and the fix.
We go back to the menu and click under File on Show QSO list. There we go in the menu under QSL, eQSL, Export and click on Upload QSO to eQSL.cc. There it is important that we take over under QTH Nickname the corresponding entry as set at eQSL.cc.
The same is valid for the download
In the menu we click under File on Preferences. There we are now interested in the settings in fldigi/wsjt interface. The default ADIF port should be 2333 and the default Wsjt port 2237 with the address Everything else (including the settings for fldigi) is self-explanatory.
Setup WSJT-X
Now we start WSJT-X and click in the menu on File, Settings and then select the tab Reporting. There we activate the checkboxes at Prompt me to log QSO, Accept UDP request, Notify on accepted UDP request, Accepted UDP request restores window and Enable logged contact ADIF broadcast.
If we now want QSO’s from WSJT-X (or other programs) to be automatically transferred to CQRLOG, we have to activate this. To do this, we go back to the File menu in CQRLOG and activate the corresponding entry there.
The Remote mode for wsjt enables the best possible cooperation of CQRLOG and WSJT-X. CQRLOG expects the QSO data on port 2237, as set in WSJT-X. Try the Wsjt-x CQ-monitor in CQRLOG, it is great.
Setup GridTracker
If you want to use WSJT-X, CQRLOG and GridTracker at the same time there are two possibilities.
1.) Transfer the QSO data via Remote mode for ADIF from WSJT-X to CQRLOG. If activated CQRLOG expects the data on port 2333.
2.) Use Forward UDP Messages from GridTracker. Go to setup and set the port to 2238 there and 2238 in CQRLOG. Then use the Remote mode for wsjt. That is the best way to use WSJT-X, CQRLOG and GridTracker. For it to work, of course, all three programs must be started. First WSJT-X, then GridTracker, then CQRLOG.
Have fun, stay healthy
Karl-Heinz Krawczyk, DL1GKK